Home > Artworks > Roberto Urbina Gajardo

Photo of Roberto Urbina Gajardo Chile
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Roberto Urbina Gajardo, plastic artist Autodidact naciel ao 18 November 1976 in Santiago, Chile, by the decade of the 80 traveling with his family to Paraguay and resides Asuncin ah for several years. She was a teenager begins to show signs that it was bringing the artistic theme in the blood which integrates some bands as was Rezonancia, hidden key, and Carpediem Alegretto AFTER the 18 years begins her journey through the...

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Roberto Urbina Gajardo, plastic artist Autodidact naciel ao 18 November 1976 in Santiago, Chile, by the decade of the 80 traveling with his family to Paraguay and resides Asuncin ah for several years. She was a teenager begins to show signs that it was bringing the artistic theme in the blood which integrates some bands as was Rezonancia, hidden key, and Carpediem Alegretto AFTER the 18 years begins her journey through the issue of plastic arts but very quietly starting with a sculpture untitled done with recycling gas cutting process in a metalrgica, then will come the realization of workshops in cultural centers residents to its population. In the House of Art in San Pedro de Atacama performs with his friend in clay sculpture Nanin Nisaya Ckapin (Legs del Sol) Atacaman based architecture. (2001) In the year 2002 comes from Santiago to the city of Iquique with some idea of ??a mural with the technique that is passionate about the Mosaic ms. Asque was inaugurated in May 2003 inspiration through the support of the SECREDUC-Tarapac, as the first part of a sequence that aims to enhance the beauty of the expression of Pre-Columbian man. In 2004, the month of August inspiration II, To the Rescue of Rock Art is one of the projects selected by the Fondart in the region of Tarapaca. In November travs inspiration, work made from recycled material, is being awarded for the winner of CONAMA Regional Environment, Cultural and Education Mention Environmental Change. For these das and his Sculpture Fragments de la Mancha is making efforts to carry out their trip to Spain, because it is one of 18 qualifiers for the First International Sculpture Exhibition on the work of Don Quixote spot to be held in August next few in Minglanilla. 2001-2002 De Solo I Mo I and Mo II of the Cultural Centre Villa Sur Santiago de chile 2002 Sculpture Nanin Nisaya Ckapin (Sun Legs) Art House San Pedro de Atacama Chile 2003 From the Mo III Main Foyer Teatro Municipal de Iquique Iquique Chile 2003 Wall inspiration (Mosaic) SECREDUC TARAPACÁ Iquique Chile 2004 Wall inspiration II, Rock Art to the Rescue (Mosaic) Group Exhibitions 2002 Iquique Chile Da Young Art 2002 Iquique Chile Iquique Cultural Da Da Art Chile 2003 Iquique Chile 2004 Youth Day of Culture Iquique Chile 2005 World Book Da Iquique Chile 2005 Da National Visual Arts Iquique Chile 2005-2006 Fragments de la Mancha - V Centenario Sculpture Park - City of Minglanilla, Castilla la Mancha, Spain 2005 Clown Face - 2 Version of Art in Tray (APECH) Casa Naranja - Santiago - Chile 1996 Training Course Incidental music for Film, Sound Effects and Banda Centro Cultural Balmaceda 1215, Santiago de Chile 1999 Color photography course, White and Black Cultural Centre Santiago de Chile Sur villa Film and Video 2001-2002 Vila Cultural Centre South - Santiago 2003 Workshop Slide Chile Iquique Chile 2004 UNAP Course Cultural Gestin UNAP Prodemu Iquique Chile 2005 Theatrical lighting Course Santiago Teatro Municipal Teatro Municipal de Iquique Iquique-Chile 2005 - Administration Workshop Habilitaciny No spaces for Visual Arts - CNCA Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso Seminars 2004 Seminar Expotextil Arica Chile 2004 Latin American Seminar of People Gestin Integrating Human Behavior to Organizational Gestin UNAP Iquique Chile Aula Magna 2004 Seminar CONAMA National Biodiversity Strategy CED UNAP Iquique - Chile 2005 Seminar Humberstone, declared a World Heritage Art HumanidadGalera Collahuasi Iquique - Chile Awards 2004 Fondart inspiration II, AL Rescue Rock Art Arts Promotion National Council for Culture and the Arts Iquique - Chile's Regional Environment Award 2004 Menci n Cultural and Education Environmental Change CONAMA Tarapac Regin of Iquique Chile 2005 I Current International Sculpture Exhibition on the work of Minglanilla Quijote de la Mancha Cuenca - Castilla La Mancha - Spain Menci n 2nd Place Honorable votacin artists V Centenario Silver Medal Bronze Medal Minglanilla Minglanilla V Centenario Finally as a first stage of the section who is the artist wants to add a few words of colorful figures come to life through the eyes of the artist, who inspired the art of the ancient inhabitants of the region, are transported to the present, in a work that wants to honor these men, who felt the need to express and beautiful creations made to perpetuate its ideology as both natural and supernatural ones involved. As, inspiration II, lies in the balance between the vastness of the ocean and the desert that frames are forged as natural harmonics and silent testimony of local rock art.

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